The space above the bed can be one of the trickiest spaces in your home to decorate. There are so many options for what you can hang above your bed, but it’s hard to know which option to choose. Should I hang one big art piece? A gallery wall? Something totally unique?!
I’ve tried a ton of things over the bed in my bedroom over the years – I’ve made DIY art, I’ve hung a gallery wall, I’ve tried one large piece, and I’ve even had a faux deer head hanging above my bed at one point!
I thought it might be helpful to put together a quick guide to all of my favorite options for how to decorate above the bed, and share a few great pieces that you could try out in your space. So, read on for a detailed look at all of my faves!
How to Decorate Above Your Bed: 20 Great Ideas
1. One Large piece of art

My current favorite route for decorating above the bed in our room is to find one really large, impactful piece of art and let it shine. It’s really simple (only one piece to shop for!), and in a space that already has a lot happening visually, it’s a really great way to keep things from feeling overwhelming.

I love the idea of something soft and romantic hanging above the bed, and I’m a sucker for a good line of poetry.
This can be done on a canvas, in a large print, or even spread out across a couple of prints. The sky’s the limit, just find something romantic that speaks to your heart!
You can choose a sweet quote, a beautiful and simple line drawing, a photo from your wedding, or just something that makes you feel sweet and cozy feelings!
3. Black & White photography

I’m a giant fan of a large-scale black & white photo hung in the bedroom. . I love the idea of a close-up or more abstract photo, and this would be a great way to show off a romantic wedding photo or something along those lines.
This is a really fun way to make things feel more personal in your room – choose a favorite photo from your collection, or even two or three, and give them a place to shine. You can stick to family photos, or you could find a landscape or still life style photo that makes your heart sing.
Make Something special

If you know me at all you know I’m a huge fan of getting creative and making something totally unique! A DIY macrame wall hanging is a beautiful idea, or you could put together a favorite word (or even your last name) with some pretty wooden letters!
Gallery wall

Who doesn’t love a good gallery wall? I particularly love that both of these photos have a different take on the standard gallery wall – one of them spills over the sides of the bed, and the other with the overlapping frames. I think this is a great way to take a concept that a lot of people use and make it completely your own!
Something Unexpected

And, of course, you can never forget the option of just hanging up whatever suits your fancy! If it’s scaled properly and chosen well, just about anything would look awesome hanging above your bed. I’m particularly fond of the deer antlers (and we did something similar in our last house!), but a grouping of baskets would look so beautiful too!